Friday 14 March 2014


Not all men are evil and many times,we have heard of men who were taken advantage of in a relationship that they thought could go far,only to realize it was no more,and that time,all their investments and dreams were cut short.As a man of God,use this word from the scriptures to pray for yourself this weekend
When writing the book of Ecclesiastes,Solomon Exclaimed ", a seductive woman is a trap more bitter than death. Her passion is a snare, and her soft hands are chains. Those who are pleasing to God will escape her, but sinners will be caught in her snare.
Ecclesiastes 7:26
Man of God,this weekend pray using this word and pray that:
1:You may be found pleasing in the sight of God
2.Ask the Lord to shield you from the snare of the passions some of this evil and seductive women bring in your path to snare you.Tell the Lord to remove you from the presence of such women and ask for his grace and spirit of discernment to run away,when the enemy brings such in your path
3:In-case you have been chained by her soft hands,Pray that God may unchain you from it
4:Pray that God may help you escape the traps that such women are placing in your path.[It's said that most women who get paged out of the will of God,and the guy runs away,often look for a decent guy in church, seduces him to bed and then tells him of a pregnancy that belongs to another man]..Pray that you will never be used by the enemy, and such a trap will never hold water on you.Ask God to protect you
Brethren,iF single and looking for a wife ,pray and pray to God using this word
Seek God using this verse.Let him be aware of your desires to settle down with a Godly woman.
This does not mean that women should not use the same.Turn that verse around and pray for the Lord's guidance and protection from seductive men too.LET PRAY AND PLEASE PRAY.If looking for a wife cover yourself first using this word,before you step out......
God bless you and grant you all you desire in prayer in his great name.amen

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