Thursday 3 April 2014


1:It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.The LORD God said[Genesis 2:18].If the Lord saw our limitation from the beginning,who im to think i can make it without the help of a wife?
2:A wife acts as a firewall to every other female who desires to intrude into your personal space thus your safety is guaranteed.
3:You can wish and pray for an accountability partner but what a great gift to have a wife. She will automatically assume that position and they never fail
4:One can chase a thousand, two can chase ten thousand, says Deuteronomy 32:30. A combined force of a prayerful wife helps achieve a lot than when you are single.
5:He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord. [Proverbs 18:22] .Only God knows why his favors to a man are tied to a woman and i better obey than wonder why
6:You spend a lot as a single person than when married. Think about the coffee dates, the single's meetings that come with such a high price tag sometimes, the search and contacts you maintain as you worry who among this will I marry? It saves a lot when you marry and brings peace of mind.
7:Marriage makes a man live a well ordered life. A woman in many occasions,makes a man have a clear focus of where to go and a combination of ideas on this pathway,will enforce the resolve and make a man’s drive sure.
8: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Let me ask, my single friend, have you ever called a relative when alone and sick ,only to be told he\she is going out with his family, and might not be able to assist in taking you to a hospital? How does it feel. Good to have your own wife.In this life, you will not be the strong you all the time. Seasons come when you need someone close to you to rush you to hospital.
9:Of-course sex. If two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? [Eccl 4:11.]The best duvets and blankets cannot bring such warmth. It can only come from a source that is human like you. Nothing more and nothing less
10:Men ’s health improves drastically once they marry. I don’t know what women bring to a man but for evidence, look around from the married friends you know. Mine are healthier, satisfied and always regret why they never married earlier.
11:The joy of having to see your children call you dad, sing around and run around in the house with such peace and freedom of being home. This is just a good reminder that life is to be enjoyed, with full assurance of your heavenly fathers love, just as your kids enjoy your presence and love
12: Awoman's instincts never lie and having a wife who is sensitive to the work of God in a marriage makes all the difference in a man's life.Remember Pilate was warned by his wife not to touch Jesus nor do anything bad to him.He washed his hands from condemning him but the wife's alertness to the spirit of God,made all the difference.

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