When God was creating a woman,he knew she deserves honor,respect and real love from the man who dreams of having her as a wife.
This was not to be demanded,neither was it to be a work of the lady to compel the man to love her.
When Adam saw his Eve,he clearly demonstrated his love to her,in God's hearing.He proclaimed" This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called Woman,because she was taken out of Man.”before herself.Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.[Genesis 2:24-25]
My dear sisters,do you see what Adam did?He saw her,made a proclamation of his undying love to her,then took her as his wife.
Never be the one to open your mouth to tell a man you love him.That is the role of Adam
Later,we hear they were naked and not ashamed.That means they loved each others company.
My question to "some" girls is this,why are so many men ashamed of you,and are not ready to walk with you in broad daylight leave alone introduce you to his people,yet you are frequent night visitors with no ties other than what we all know?
Why spend an entire weekend washing,cleaning,ironing and doing every effort available to make him declare his love to you?
Why struggle to make aman love you?Adam's love to EVE was clear ,and he was not ashamed to make her know how he loves her.
Every woman deserves honor and respect but too bad these days.
Desperation has made so many ladies to loose their due honor and respect.
There's a difference between loving Caring and exchanging pleasantries with a guy and submitting to him as a wife.
Please understand this,Marriage and dating are two different things.
When you make yourself so cheap out of fear of loosing your man and starts giving him the services of a wife, you definitely will still end up loosing out.The man has to open his mouth and publicly declare his love to you before you commit your services.
It's unfortunate that many girls have been dumped after doing alot to compel the men to love them.
This has caused serious emotional trauma to many,when reality sinks in.
Don't be deceived or tricked into believing that kissing you in the presence of his friends,attending social gatherings together and telling everybody on the street that you are his wife Makes you a true wife without the legal commitment.A friend was dumped two months to their wedding.Everyone was aware of it but loh,at the end of the rope it all went sour but unfortunately,three months to the wedding,there thoughts were -"arent we getting married in 3 months?
-You are my wife already
-The parents have already blessed us so why not?
Yes this lie sunk in,got her virginity to a lier and got dumped two months to the wedding?
Don't fall for a guy so easily because he has said to his colleagues,family and all sundry this is my "chic". If you belong to him,let him proclaim and seal that proclamation with a marriage commitment.Until you reach the altar,keep off the sex arena.
Some men in just one week of friendship will boldly tell you that they want to marry you but that statement is not enough reason for you to
Move into his apartment to live with him.
If you do that,it shows your weakness and thus exposing you to being used and later dumped as many have experienced.
Moving in without being legally married only makes you his in-house-mistress.Stop thinking that warming his bed and giving him sex will secure you his heart and his ring.
When he loves you he won't demand for sex.
The conclusion of the matter is this
Never compel a man to love you and never go an extra mile to be a wife when he has not declared it.Adam made it public,and sealed it before God.
As you wait to be seen by the Mr charming, stop acting like a wife when you are not, Uphold your dignity,give your heart and also be alert in your head.Be warned and be wise.God knows I have already warned you as your brother.God bless you
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